Here you get to purchase supplies and pay just 40% of the total amount and order will be procced in 48hrs where the good will be sorted together, covered and labeled by us upon request by customer.

This offer only applies to products worth Ksh 10,000 or more. The rest is paid at a 15% interest per annum. Amazing right? Fill the form below to request Haba Haba!

Kid with a book

Haba Haba Request Form

Ensure you have read the Terms & Conditions for the Haba Haba Payment Plan before submitting this form. After Submitting our team will review it and get back to you as soon as possible with the an invoice and how to proceed from there. 

Note: It’s advisable to first check for products you require on our website and prices to ensure the total amount lies on the Haba Haba Terms bracket.

Selected Value: 10000
I must say that this is the best offer one can get. More so for us parents with kids at different levels of academics, and with the curriculum changes where many books are required plus the tough economic times. Kazi safi Dhakiya!
Derrick Oluoch

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